Boys & Girls Club
"Hi, my name is Jose and I like video games and toys and I like to dab. The grade I am in is third grade. I go to Connors Elementary School. Learning means to me a lot, because you can get better and better at it. Like I do three minute "Mad Multiplication" at school and I get better at it every time, and that's because I do it at home every week and it's very easy. I love that when you keep learning about it, it just gets easier and easier, eventually until you know it in your heart. I learn best by not disrespecting the teacher, not being a follower but being a leader. That's what my father says, be a leader not a follower. I would make learning awesome by doing the work, being quiet, and paying attention to the teachers. I would give advice to another student about staying in school, paying attention to the teachers... and don't be a follower, be a leader. I am Jose, and I like to make Legos dab and I like to play video games!" – Jose / BGC-TV