Tangram Book-Making

We visited JCFabLab for their Tangram Book-Making Workshop for kids and were amazed at the hands-on creativity and DIY spirit.

Video is in post-production.

Meanwhile, here's the description from JCFabLab:

Join us here for another spectacular JCFabKIDS maker opportunity — we’re leading 2 days of storybook creation that will challenge and delight your child. This is no ordinary story making class. Kids will use their storytelling savvy and then take it far beyond. Participants will use Tangrams — an ancient puzzle game with endless solutions and subtleties. There’s nothing like taking basic geometric shapes and creating forms out of them. This is creativity, math, spacial relations, visualization, and puzzle solving all wrapped into one.

AND there’s more… Kids will actually construct a story book from Laser Cut materials.

They’ll hit go on the Laser Cutter / Engraver and make their own Tangram puzzle pieces out of durable materials like wood or acrylic, and other materials.
They’ll create and assemble a book… they’ll do the handwork and get assistance from our JC Fab Lab Teaching Techs and assemble a proper book using basic book construction and assembly techniques… this will be a family keepsake for certain, and will open a world of handcraft work that will help your kids understand and appreciate how books are made and constructed.
They’ll take their design from digital to something they can hold. This is a tremendously valuable thing for kids to understand in today’s world of digital and the prolific trends of big box stores and far-too-disposable consumer goods.